Adding board shorts to whiteboards in Ayoa

Create shortcuts to related whiteboards, task boards, and idea boards so you can easily jump between the boards and know that all elements of your project are safely stored in one space.


When a shortcut is added, a preview of that board will be visible on the board. You can add multiple boards to one whiteboard or even create a brand new board.

Add board shortcuts to your Ayoa Whiteboard

Add an existing board shortcut to the whiteboard

1. Click on the boards icon on the whiteboard toolbar to open the board list.

Click the board icon in the toolbar to open its panel


2. A list of most recently opened boards will be displayed. 

The board shortcut panel


3. Click on the different tabs to view your most recent whiteboards, task boards, or mind maps.

Choose board type to filter


4. Type and search for a specific board you are looking for if you can't see it in your most recent boards. Make sure you have selected whether it's a whiteboard, task board, or mind map. 

Locate the board you're wanting with search


5.  Once you have located the board, drag and drop it onto the whiteboard canvas.

Drag the board shortcut to the canvas

6. You can move it around anywhere on the whiteboard by dragging and dropping.

You can move your board shortcut anywhere

7. To open the board, click on the shortcut then, click Open board.

Press open board on the shortcut to quickly enter it


8. Once you have opened the board, you can navigate back to the whiteboard at any time by clicking Back to whiteboard.

Easily head back to the previous board by choosing back


Add a new board shortcut to the whiteboard

1. Click on the board icon on the whiteboard toolbar to open the board list.

Board shortcut icon


2. A list of most recently opened boards will be displayed.

Filter what board type you want to insert


3. Click on Whiteboard, Task board or Mind Maps to choose what kind of new board you want to create.

Select a type


4. Then click + New Mind Map/Task board/Whiteboard .

Click the New Mind Map button


5. You will be prompted to name the board and invite other people to collaborate. 

New mind map dialogue box


6. The shortcut of the new board will be added to the whiteboard. The board will be accessible to edit to any collaborators added and from your board list on your home page.

Your new board's shortcut is added to the whiteboard


7. You can move it around anywhere on the whiteboard by dragging and dropping.

You can place this shortcut anywhere on your canvas


8.  To open the board, click on the shortcut then, click Open board.

Click the blue button on the shortcode to quickly enter the board


9. Once you have opened the board, you can navigate back to the whiteboard at any time by clicking Back to whiteboard.

Navigate back to your whiteboard



How do I remove the board shortcut from the whiteboard?

Click on the shortcut, then click on the 3 dot menu. Click delete. Deleting the shortcut will not delete the original board. 

Deleting a board shortcut


Can users who aren't collaborators on the board view the preview or access the board?

No, if members who are collaborators on the whiteboard, but aren't collaborators on boards that are added as shortcuts, they will not be able to see either the preview or open the board. If someone can't open a board shortcut, check they have been added to that board.