Archiving your mind maps allows you to de-clutter your workspace without permanently deleting your mind maps.
Archiving a mind map
1. Open the mind map that you wish to archive.
2. Go to the Setting icon in the top right corner of the screen.
3. Go to the Board Options tab.
4. Turn Archived to ON.
5. Confirm that you wish to archive the mind map by clicking OK.
Archiving a Mind Map from the Home page
1. To archive a mind map, navigate to the Home page.
2. Choose your mind map and click on the cog icon.
3. This will open the settings for that mind map.
4. Towards the bottom of the mind map settings window, you will see a section called Archived. Click on Yes.
5. You will now be prompted to confirm if you wish to archive the mind map. Click Ok to proceed.
6. You will see there is now a note in the settings advising that the Mind Map is currently archived.
Unarchive a Mind Map
1. To unarchive a mind map, navigate to the Home page.
2. At the bottom left corner of the screen, you will have the Archive section.
3. When you open the Archive, you will see the list of all archived maps and boards.
4. Scroll to the mind map that you wish to unarchive and click the grey cog.
5. This will open that mind map's settings. You will see a note at the top of the map advising that it is currently archived.
6. At the bottom of the menu, next to Archived, click on No.
7. You will then be asked to confirm that you want to unarchive the mind map. Click Ok.
8. The mind map will now be unarchived.