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  2. Ayoa Mobile Apps
  3. Task Boards and My Planner - Android, iPhone and iPad

Task Board Comments iOS and Android

Ayoa lets you keep conversations and tasks together, so you can maintain a seamless flow of communication between team members while you work in unison to get things done.

To add a comment on a task:

1. Select the task that you would like to comment on.

 Select the task that you would like to comment on.


2. Tap on Comment icon at the top of the task to open the comment feed.

Tap on Comment icon at the top of the task to open the comment feed.

3. Then, simply enter your comment into the comment box titled ' Add comment'. You can add emojis using your mobile's inbuilt keyboard.

 simply enter your comment into the comment box titled ' Add comment'.


4. Once you're happy with the comment, hit tick icon to add it to the comment feed. Your comment will then show in the COMMENT FEED for your task, with the most recent comments and task updates showing first.

hit tick icon to add it to the comment feed.

To send a direct message on a task:

1. If you would like to address your comment to a specific member within your task board, simply add the @ symbol in front of that person’s name when writing the comment.

To send a direct message on a task:

2. Once you’re happy with the message, hit tick icon to add it to the discussion feed. The person you've mentioned will receive a notification and the comment will be added to the comment feed for that task.

hit tick icon to add it to the discussion feed