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  3. Task Boards and My Planner - Android, iPhone and iPad

Completed and Archived Tasks iOS and Android

Learn how to complete tasks so that you can remain focused, see your progress, and keep others updated.

Both In order for you to remain focused on prioritization and the progression of your Task Board, tasks that you mark as complete will be strike-through. If needed, you can archive them to declutter your board. 

In the Archived Tasks view you can see everything that you’ve achieved over time, and having all of your completed and archived tasks clearly visible in one place makes performance reviews effortless.


How to complete a task

To complete a task, open your task board and click on the tick icon on the chosen task.

The task name will be then strike-through to mark that this is completed.

How to complete a task

How to archive a task

To archive a task, it first needs to be completed. Then you can click on the task to open the task info, where the 'Archive Task' button will be shown

How to archive a task


The task can be uncompleted and unarchived in the task info.

There are two views for completed and archived tasks:

1. Task Board Archived Tasks

2. View Archived

Task Board Archived Tasks

1. To view individual tasks completed and archived within a Task Board, tap your Task Board from the home page then, select ARCHIVED.

Task Board Archived Tasks

2. All tasks that have been completed and archived within the Task Board will be displayed over time, including those tasks archived Today and Yesterday and further into the past. The most recently archived tasks will show first. To view past archived tasks tap 'Last week', then to see even further back keep tapping the date ranges to look at older completed tasks.

Task Board Archived Tasks

View Archived

1. Completed and archived tasks from across all of your Task Boards will appear in the View Archived. This can be accessed by selecting ‘Archived’ from the Home page.

View Archived

Or from the app Menu.

Or from the app Menu.


2. Within Archived view, the most recent completed and archived tasks will show first. To view past archived tasks tap 'Last week', then to see even further back keep tapping the date ranges to look at older archived tasks.

Within Archived view

3. When clicking on the black arrow in the top right corner,  you can filter tasks by the assignee.

When clicking on the black arrow in the top right corner

Auto-Archive option

If you do not want your completed tasks to remain visible on the task board, you can set completed tasks to automatically archive as soon as the tasks are marked as completed.

1. To set your completed tasks to automatically archive, please open your app settings by navigating to the Menu, then Settings, then App Settings.

Auto-Archive option

2. In the app settings you will have the 'Tasks' section.
In the app settings you will have the 'Tasks' section.

3. Once there, tick the box next to 'Automatically archive tasks on completion.

 Once there, tick the box next to 'Automatically archive tasks on completion'.