Creating a Radial Map

With Radial Maps in Ayoa, brainstorming ideas and achieving your goals is simpler than ever. Present your ideas in a visual pie-chart, and easily see your priorities by adjusting the sizes of the segments in your map to signify their importance.  




Creating a Radial Map

1. Navigate to the home page and click +Create new.

Select the +Create new button.

2. Select the Blank mind map option and name the new mind map.

Naming the mind map.

3. Under the Advanced Options, at the bottom of the window, you can add a map description and any people you wish to collaborate with. Once that is done, click Create.

Add a name or description to your Radial map within Advanced Options.


4. In the new window, you will have the option to select the central idea box for your mind map.

Choosing the central idea box branch


5. Once the mind map is created, change the view to Radial Map in the mind map's settings in the top right corner.

Selecting Radial Map from the map's settings


6.  At the center of the canvas will be your central segment. By default, the title will be the name of the map. You can change this by double-clicking on the text and typing your new central idea.

Customise title of central segment


5. To add your first segment either click the green + icon, or use  Tab on your keyboard.

Click green plus icon to add segment


6. To add a segment on the same level, either click the green + on the parent segment ( the inner segment before it), or use Enter on the keyboard.

Click green plus button to add segment on same level


7. As you create more layers of segments, the segments on the outermost ring will be slimmer. As more segments are added to the same level, the segments will be reduced in width.

Creating more layers on map

Converting a Mind Map to a Radial Map

You can switch to Radial Map at any time from either a Mind Map or Capture Map.

1. Open your mind map.

Open your Mind Map


2. Click on the Settings icon located in the top right corner of the screen. Then, click on View and select Radial Map from the drop-down menu.

Selecting Radial map from the drop-down menu in Display Options.


3. Your map will now be changed to a Radial Map. You can change it back at any time in  Settings.

Radial Map view has been selected