Keep everything in order by adding dependencies to tasks. These allow you to define the order in which a series of tasks much be actioned, so you can practically see your upcoming duties in relation to other deadlines on your timeline.
Project delayed? Simply edit your task dates and your dependent task dates will automatically adjust. Switch on auto-update dependencies in the Task Board options to try it out.
Dependencies are currently only available within your main Task Boards, not 'My Planner'.
To switch on the Auto-update dependencies option, simply open the Board Options in your chosen task board and move the slider to the on position.

Adding Dependencies in Gantt Timeline View
1. Click or hover over the task you want to add a dependency to.

2. On both ends of the task, you will see a white circle. This is where you create a dependency.

3. Click on the white circle either at the start or due date, then drag to draw the dependency. Drag the dependency to the white circle at either the start date or the end date of another task, then let go to add it.
4. You will now see a connection between the two tasks. The connection will show at the start of the earliest task and end of the latest task.
Auto-update dependencies
Auto-update will ensure that when you edit the task dates the dependant task will automatically adjust.
To turn this feature on, open the Board Options on your Task Board and turn Auto-update dependencies to on.

If you don't wish to use this feature, turn Auto-update dependencies to off.
When Auto-update dependencies is on, moving a task on the timeline or editing it's due start and due date will automatically update the dependant task, keeping the same duration of days between the tasks.

Deleting Dependencies
1. To delete a dependency click on the dependency so that you can see a faint highlight.

*To delete dependency on Mac, please click on dependency and then backspace + Fn.
2. On your keyboard, tap Delete. You will then be asked to confirm the deletion.

3. The dependency will now be removed from the timeline.