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  2. Ayoa Mobile Apps
  3. Task Boards and My Planner - Android, iPhone and iPad

Due Dates iOS and Android

When you select a task, the task details will immediately open. From within the task details you can add a Due Date to your task, so you can begin to organize your schedule.

To Set a Due Date:

1. Select the task that you would like to set a Due Date for.

 Select the task that you would like to set a Due Date for.

2. Tap on the Calendar icon situated under the EFFORT section.

Tap on the Calendar icon situated under the EFFORT section.

3. Once there, a date picker will appear. Simply choose a start and due date, tap done.

Once there, a date picker will appear. Simply choose a start and due date, tap done.

You will have an option to add a start time or skip. Your changes will then be saved by tapping 'Done.'

You will have an option to add a start time or skip.

4. Once the Due Dates are added they will visible within on the task information in Workflow or Calendar view.

Once the Due Dates are added they will visible within on the task information in Workflow or Calendar view.

5. To adjust the Due Date, simply go back to the task information where you will be able to edit your chosen date.

 To adjust the Due Date, simply go back to the task information

Setting Repeating Tasks:

While setting a Due Date, you have the option to set the task to repeat on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis from within the drop down menu found in the date picker. This will set the task to duplicate once it is completed, in accordance to the settings that you have applied. To learn more about Repeating Tasks, click here

Due Date Reminders

Ensure you stay on top of your deadlines by adding Due Date reminders to your tasks.

1. To add a Due date reminder, tap on "Add reminder" located underneath the Due date you wish to add a reminder for.

 To add a Due date reminder

2. If your Due Date does not have a time assigned, your reminder will be set to 9am the day before the Due Date.

If your Due Date does not have a time assigned

3. If your Due date does have a time applied, you can choose to be notified minutes, hours or days ahead by tapping on "Minute" to open a drop-down menu. Tap on the unit of time you would prefer to apply the change.

Tap on the unit of time you would prefer to apply the change.

4. Then tap on the number next to the measurement of time to specify exactly when you would prefer the reminder to be sent.

Then tap on the number next to the measurement of time to specify exactly when you would prefer the reminder to be sent.

5. Your reminders will now be applied. You can adjust these at any time.

 Your reminders will now be applied.

6. When the reminder is due you will be notified in your Notifications. You have the ability to configure these defaults via your App Settings, situated in the main menu.