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  2. Ayoa Mobile Apps
  3. Mind Maps on Android, iPhone and iPad

Multi-Select within Mind Maps iOS and Android

Multi-select is a way of selecting multiple branches at once. This will allow you to make changes to more than one branch, saving time and improving efficiency.


 Adding categories or relationship arrows on iOS or Android will not be visible, but any changes you make will be updated on the web.

To use Multi-Select:

1. Open the Mind Map.

Opening mind map.

2. Choose 'Multi-Select' icon from the toolbar. 

The multi-select icon.


3. Selection icons will now appear next to all your branches.

Branch with grey dots.

4. Once you have started selecting branches the blue bar will update with new options. 

Branches with black dots on selected branches.


5.  You won't be able to relationship arrow or categories, but you can format multiple branches by clicking on the paint-brush icon.

The paint brush icon.

6.  Choose your formatting options and click 'Save changes'.

The format options.

7. Your formatting changes will now be updated.

Changes applied on 3 branches.