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  3. Getting Started with Mind Mapping in Ayoa

Opening iMindMap Files in Ayoa

Are you an iMindMap User? You can now open your iMindMap files quickly and easily in Ayoa without needing to open iMindMap. Once your .imx file has been imported you can invite other users to your map and collaborate in real-time. 

Opening your .imx file

1. To open your iMindMap file, open Ayoa.

Home page view.


2. Then, click on +Create new and choose Mind Map.

The Create new options.


3. At the bottom of the window, click Advanced options.

Select Advanced options at the bottom.


4. Then choose Import from iMindMap at the bottom.

Click Import from iMindMap at the bottom.


5. A new window will open. You can import iMindMap maps by dragging the imx. files from your computer into the box or select one from the given location.

The import window.


6. Your mind map will then begin importing.

Import in progress window.

7. The mind map will be automatically imported in the organic style of mind mapping to keep it as close to the original as possible. This can be changed at any time in the style options. 

View of the imported map.* If your mind map included additional elements such as flow charts this will not be imported. Any attachments and notes will not be imported, however, once you add the attachments on Ayoa they will be accessible from any supported device.