Sending Attachments in Chat

Send attachments in your instant Chat so that you can quickly and easily share files with your team. You can share files on-one-one to members of your team or send them to a group chat.


Sending an Attachment to an Individual

1. Open the Chat of the person you wish to send the attachment to.

Chat side panel with user's avatars.


2. Once the Chat tab is open, click on the paper-clip icon above the text-box.

Selecting user from  the side chat panel.


3. In the pop-up menu, you will be provided with the choice to attachment either a file from your computer, a Dropbox/ Google Drive link, or create a Sketch.

Adding attachment from the list of different locations.


4. Search for the file you wish to send, then select it. Then, enter any information you want to add to the message and click send. 

 Adding message in the chat.

5. The file will now be shared with the other person

View of the chat message with an attached file.

Sending an Attachments to a Group Chat

1. Open or create a new Group Chat.

Opening a group chat.


2. Once the Chat tab is open, click on the paper-clip icon above the text-box.  In the pop-up menu, you will be provided with the choice to attachment either a file from your computer or a Dropbox/ Google Drive link.

Selecting file location.


3. Search for the file you wish to send, then select it.  

Adding chat message.


4. Type in your message, then click Send. The attachment will now be available to everyone in that group.

View of the attachment with a message.

Deleting Attachments

Once you have shared an attachment with an individual or group, the attachment will be available to download from any device, at any time. If you want to remove access to an attachment you will need to delete it from the chat in which you shared it. You will only be able to delete attachments that you have shared, you will not be able to delete items shared by other users. 

1. Open the Chat where you shared the attachment that you wish to delete.

Selecting user from the chat side panel.


2. Click on the second tab called Attachments. This will show a list of attachments sent in the chat. Hover over the attachment you wish to delete.

Selecting attachment tab in the chat section.


3. If you are in a group chat then clicking on the attachment icon to open a drop-down menu.

Selecting attachment in the group chat.


4. A trash icon will display next to the attachment*. Click on the trash can.

*If you cannot see this icon, then this attachment was uploaded by somebody else, therefore you will not be able to delete it. 

Attachment with the trash icon.


5. You will be asked to confirm to delete the attachment.

Confirming deletion window.


6. The attachment will now be deleted from the chat and will no longer be accessible to anyone else in the chat.

View of the chat with no attachment.

Storing Private Attachments

If you want to store any important attachments in Ayoa, but you don't want to share them with any of your team, you can upload them to your own space.

1. Open Ayoa Chat.

Ayoa chat panel.


2. Click on your avatar at the top of the chat sidebar to open up your notes section.

Selecting Notes tab.


3. The second tab is your attachment tab. 

Second tab- attachments.


4. Click on Drag Files here or select from computer. You will have the option to upload a file from your computer or attach a file link from Dropbox or Google Drive.

Choosing the Drag files here or select from computer option.

5. Any files you upload to this space will only be viewable by you.

Attachment tab with two attachments.