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  2. Ayoa Mobile Apps
  3. Task Boards and My Planner - Android, iPhone and iPad

Task Status iOS and Android

Within Ayoa you can use the status feature to mark the progress of each task, allowing you to gain an overview of performance with just a single glance.

Setting a Status

1. To set the status of a task, tap on the task circle to bring out the task details. Here, you will be able to add details to your task.

View of the Task info.


2. Within the task details is a progress bar, which will allow you to set the percentage of the task that has been completed. To set progress, simply drag the slider along until you reach the percentage that you would like to set. Alternatively, to indicate that the task is in progress, simply click the PLAY icon once. This will set progress to 5% – indicating that it has been started.

Selecting the play option in the Progress section.


3. Tasks can also be put on hold by hitting the 'pause' icon.

Selecting Pause button to put task on hold.


4. To complete a task, you can slide the progress bar all the way to the completed icon, or, simply hit the Tick button. When the status of a task has been set, it will be visually represented on the task circle.

Task node showing the progress on the task tick icon.

Completed Tasks

Once tasks have been completed they will appear in the Completed Tasks View. To find out how to view completed tasks, click here.