1. Help Center
  2. Mind Map View
  3. Getting Started with Mind Mapping in Ayoa

The Home Page

When you open Ayoa you will be taken to the home page, which will be your tool for navigating around Ayoa. Here you will have access to your Mind Maps with Document, Whiteboards and Task boards views, Folders and archived boards all in one place.


View of the home page.


By default your Mind Maps,  will be listed from top to bottom in order of most recently opened.

List of the most recently opened boards.

The preview image shows the last opened view.


You can search for specific mind map by name.

Using the search option for specific board.


You can view your mind maps in alphabetical order, by recently opened, recently created or recently updated.

Selecting different options to view boards.


You can also filter by the type of board.

Changing which types of boards are shown.


You can use a mix of these search options to locate specific boards.

Using multiple filters to locate desired board.


To create a new Mind Map, click  + Create new.

Selecting the + create new option.


There, you will have the option to select the mind map type:

  • blank mind map,
  • Generate Ideas-using AI
  • Text Summary - where AI summarises the given text 
  • from the template

Window for selecting mind map type

Tasks stats

When adding tasks to your mind map, the number of active tasks and the urgency status will be shown on the Home page just under the mind map name.

tasks stats


My Planner 

The Planner can now be accessed through the top toolbar or menu

Selecting My Planner icon from the top toolbar.


Click on Menu, then choose My Planner from near the top of the list. 

Selecting My Planner icon from the top toolbar.


This will open My Planner.

View of the My Planner.