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  3. Mind Maps on Android, iPhone and iPad

To Delete a Branch on your Mind Map iOS and Android

Learn how to delete a mind map branch on iOS and Android.

To Delete a Branch on your mind map:


*Please note that deletion on mobile is permanent and cannot be undone.


1. Tap on the branch you want to delete, then tap on the 3 dot menu to open the extra options. 

Selecting the 3-dot icon on the branch's context menu.


2. Then, click on the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner. Tap delete, located at the bottom.

Clicking on the 3-dot icon in the top-right corner.


3.  You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the branch.

Showing a request to confirm branch deletion.


4. Once you confirm, the branch will be removed. This cannot be undone.

View of the map without the branch that was deleted.


5. When deleting a branch with child branches, a pop-up window will appear. It will tell you how many child branches it has and whether you would like to delete and keep the children or delete all.  If you delete and choose to keep the children, the child branches will re-attach to the previous parent branch.

Showing delete option for multiple branches.