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User Preferences iOS and Android

Manage various user preferences within Ayoa from your phone.

Your User Preferences allow you to access, edit and manage various Account Settings, including your Password, Email Address, Email Preferences and Subscription. Within your User Preferences you'll also be able to manage various settings such as Tags, Contacts and Integrations.

To Manage your Preferences

1. To access your Preferences, in the Home view select the menu icon in the top-left corner.

Selecting 3-line menu icon in the Home page.

2. When the menu opens, click on your avatar at the bottom.

Clicking on avatar in the menu.

3. This will open a window with more options, where you can select Account Settings.

Selecting Account Settings.

4. Under Account Settings you'll be able to update information such as your user details, email, avatar image, and Ayoa plan information. Under Ayoa Settings you’ll be able to manage things such as Tags and Contacts, and you'll be able to learn more about the other services that Ayoa integrates with.

View of the account settings and Ayoa settings.