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  3. Task Boards and My Planner - Android, iPhone and iPad

Visibility & Permissions iOS and Android

With Task Board Member Permissions you're able to control what others can see and edit when you share your boards with others.

With Member Permissions, there are the 4 levels of permissions that can be applied:

1. Admin

2. Default

3. Assigned Tasks

4. Read-Only

(Details on each permission level can be found in a table below.)

The list of permissions with their functions.

Setting Permissions

1. When creating a new Task Board, you have the choice to add members.

Selecting members for the task board.

2. Once your members have been chosen, you are able to manage member Permissions by tapping on the drop down menu next to the member's name, as displayed below.

Selecting the black arrow to open drop-down menu.


3. Edit a member's permission settings by tapping on the drop down menu. You will then be given the choice to choose from: Admin, Default, Assigned Tasks and Read Only.

Choosing permission for the given task board member.

4. Once you are ready to apply the Task Board member permissions, tap Create button to complete the process.

Changing Permissions of Existing Task Board Member:

1. As a Task Board progresses and requirements change, you may decide that you want to edit the permission capabilities of an existing project member. Tap the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner then tap Task Board Details in the drop-down menu to edit permission capabilities.

Opening the 3-dot icon to access task board settings.

2. Once there, you'll also see the permission settings for all members or individual members, allowing you to choose who can delete tasks and groups that they didn't create, and who can invite new members to a Task Board.

Opening the Task Board details section.

3. You can change the permissions for all the team members under the permissions options using the drop-down menus. These options will show if you are the Task Board owner. Tap on the drop down menus to choose who needs which permissions to delete tasks and categories, and who can invite team members.

Viewing general permissions for the given board.


4. To manage individual member's permissions, tap on the permissions menu next to their name.

Selecting a particular member.

5. This will bring up the other permission options tap on your preferred option to update it. Any changes made will only apply to that team member, the permissions of other team members will not be affected.

Selecting permissions for the given user from the drop-down menu.