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  3. Task Boards and My Planner - Android, iPhone and iPad

Workflow View iOS and Android

Within the Task Board Workflow you can map out each stage of your board cycle, which is perfect for implementing agile processes such as Kanban.


Examples of task boards that suit this style of working include Recruitment, Auditing, Product and Software Development, Marketing, and Creative Design.

With more of a structured approach, tasks can flow through stages with ease, with categories forming columns and tasks being grouped within them from top to bottom.

Accessing the Workflow View

1. Start by opening the Task Board that you would like to manage from within the HOME PAGE under the 'Recently Opened' 

Ayoa for android home screen

Or the 'Task Boards' section in the side menu. 

Choosing an Ayoa Task Board on mobile


2. Once the task board is open, select WORKFLOW from the options in the top-right corner of the screen. Your task board will then be displayed in the Workflow view. In the Workflow view tasks and categories will be displayed from left to right.

Select a Workflow style task board


3. As Task Boards grow, and more categories are added. Simply scroll right to see them.

Scroll left and right through Ayoa's workflow columns


4. As a category grows, scroll down within a column to see more tasks. Tasks which are not categorized will be grouped together in the last column of the Task Board, under 'Uncategorized Tasks'.

Uncategorised tasks

Re-ordering tasks

To reorder tasks within a category, or to move tasks through a process, simply drag and drop them within or between columns.

Reorder your Ayoa tasks