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  2. Mind Map View
  3. How to use Mind Maps on the Web App

Multi-select on Mind Maps

The multi-select tool can be used to quickly customise text and branch styles in your Mind Map. 

Using Multi-select on Mind Maps

1. Open the mind map.

Opened mind map.

2. Click on the multi-select tool in the toolbar.

Selecting multi-select square icon.


3. Drag the bounding box around the section you want select, then release.

Using bounding box to mark branches.

*You can also select branches when holding the CTRL button/ command on your keyboard and clicking on the chosen branch.


4. The multi-select menu will now open. You can use this to change the branch style, box style, colour and text formatting of all the selected branches.

Selecting paint brush icon from the blue tool box and adjusting the text on a few branches.

5.  Choose your styling, then click Done to update the branches.

View of the updated branches.