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  3. Task Boards and My Planner - Android, iPhone and iPad

Task Board Browser iOS and Android

Effortlessly navigate to each of your Ayoa Task Boards and gain a high level overview of progress and status from within the Task Board Browser.

To access your Task Board Browser:

1. Start by going to the Home Page. Here, you will be presented with some of your most recently opened Boards, tap on the Menu ( 3-line) icon to continue.

Home page view.

2. In the Menu, select the Task Boards.
Selecting Task boards in the menu.


2. Your Task Board Browser will then open. This is where all of your 'Active Task Boards' will be displayed showing all members in each board. To access a Task Board, simply tap it from the list.

View of the active tasks boards.

3. A great benefit of the Task Board Browser is that it allows you to see when a task board was last updated, to help you determine whether or not it is still active. The time and date that the board was last updated will be evidenced under the task board's name. This view also allows you to gain a quick overview of the Task Board members. The first user avatar would be the board creator/owner.

View of the given board with members avatars.

Creating a new Task Board

You can create new Task Boards from within the Task Board Browser by tapping on the + icon situated at the bottom of the screen. To learn more about creating a new Task Board, click here.

Selecting the plus icon.


1.You also have the ability to view your 'Archived' Task Boards while in this view. You can do this by tapping on Active from within the top header bar to bring down a drop-down menu.

Opening the drop-down menu.

2.Then tap archived.

Selecting Archive section.


3.You will then be able to view all your archived Task Boards.

View showing archived boards.

*To learn more about how to archive a task board, click here.

Sorting Task Boards:

If you're looking to quickly locate a task board, the sort option within the Task Board Browser allows you to sort by:

  • Custom
  • Alphabetical
  • Created
  • Last opened by me
  • Last updated

1. To use the sorting function within the Task Board Browser tap on Sort by Custom within the top header bar.

View of the top options in the task board section.

2. A list of options will appear. Depending on how you'd like to sort your Task Boards, simply tap on a sorting option.

Accessing Sort by option.

3. As seen below, the Alphabetical  option has been selected, which has sorted the task boards into Alphabetical order in correspondence to their board name.

View of active boards sorted alphabetically.